The Payout Programs in Slot Machines in Most Casinos
The Hit chances in slot machines do have a bigger range. But the hit chances for pay-out programs that are available for a particular casino game falls into a minimum range. The game makers determine on whether a casino game will have a high-minimum or a low minimum or medium range hit probability and place a payout program accordingly.
A lot of players like picking games with distinctive characteristics like if it has a big or small hit probability. But having various characteristics on gaming machines of specific game "lessens" the value of the machine because gamblers do not know what to expect from the machines that they are currently playing.
Like the Blazing seven would not be as well-liked if majority of the machines come up with bar combinations and smaller seven combinations. This is how some gaming innovators make payout programs for a game. Like the various ways on how to get the top prize or the other prizes and is the same from each payout program.
They change the number of ways to get minimum jackpots like by changing some of the minimum bars on a slots reel to pair or multiple bars. Some casinos do this to enlarge the long term payout. It is true that the payout programs that are present for the slot machines are considered to be a well-kept secret. It is not well-known why slot machines manufacturers kept it a well guarded secret.
It cannot be that they do not want gamblers to know how much casino edge is against them because there are gamblers who keep on acquiring lottery tickets and they can immediately see the probabilities that are against them and the probabilities are even worse compared to slot machines that are considered to be a tight machine.
There are also players who do not take into consideration or completely ignore banks of gaming machines under ninety-eight percent gaming machines with unknown payout. A lot of players do not really care about the future payouts on the gaming machines that they play. The payout sheets may contain something that a cheat can utilize against slot machines.
But knowing the digits of the symbols on a double diamond machines does not really help the cause of a cheat. But there is no where on the Internet or in any reference where you can see the payout programs that are made for the slot machines.